What the World is Saying |
Azrael, I've read your book about 3 times now. It's really just common sense. I've followed it plus a bit of calorie watching and exercise. Proud to say that I'm in the best shape of my life, and I'm the happiest I've EVER been with my body. Yes I said EVER... Thank you xxx Rosette, M. ---------------------------------------------------------- I have read your book & and at week 1! :-) It is a great book and very easy to read. Anusha, K. ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I got your book last week and read it in an afternoon. Here's what I took from it. I'm not sporadically running like a maniac at the gym ever again. I hate it. I hate it more than I hate my extra 5kgs. I am however going to do karate with my 5 year old son every Friday instead watching. I'm glad I read it. Well done. Belinda K. ---------------------------------------------------------- Like! I finished your book a few weeks ago and am now incorporating the healthy living habits into my life one by one! highlights for me - study of weight gaining - admitting keeping the weight off is the hardest bit - mythbusting - healthy life choices + humourous approach I feel more in control, my spirit and mind are back in the drivers seat. Havn't weighted myself as I am no longer so hung up about that. so far I feel healthier, from drinking water and eating fruit. You truly are an expert in this field with plenty to offer. Thank you! Ruth W. ---------------------------------------------------------- I have also read the book and rate it highly. I can understand some skepticism but the criticism in this case is unwarranted. I have read books from some shameless self-promoters before, and have always been better for taking the time to push past my reservations and investigate what was on offer. This book has none of the bull$%^& about it that is present in those others, it's all solid info. The biggest benefit for me was reading information from someone on much the same line of thought as myself, albeit much much further down the path and with the experience to back it up. It has given me more confidence to trust my own instinct and intuition in many things rather than just relying on the latest expert's opinion. Steven W. ---------------------------------------------------------- In short, the book is concise, interesting and easy to understand. There is no gimmick to it, no recommendations of pills or powders and no promise of rock hard abs. What it does contain is enough information to allow you to let your lifestyle manage your health and fitness, instead of trying to fit health and fitness into your lifestyle. If you don't want to read it because you love eating a big breakfast while counting calories every morning, all power to you... but you won't learn any less by giving it a quick read (and it is a quick read). Matt R. ---------------------------------------------------------- Having been over weight for a while now, and constantly searching for answers, I found your book resonated with much of the philosophy of info I have accumulated. So as soon as I had finished reading the book, I wanted to start everything right away! But then had to pull myself back and remember that doing too much too soon and I would become overwhelmed and give up. I am doing extras, but more as a continuance of what I have been trying to do for some time. It was just so nice to finally have it all related so simply, and I now feel so much more empowered to continue - knowing I was on the right track - just needed a better road map!!!. As you said, I got myself into this, and I CAN get myself out of it. The only thing I have trouble with is the constant fatigue (I have varying issues which I wont bore you with). But I am hoping that by sticking to your plan, this will lessen over time. Emma H. ---------------------------------------------------------- Excellent book Azrael. I am halfway through it and I agree with all your reasoning. It is a unique approach to the problem. It is also well written. I liked your hammer story particularly. Dave W. ---------------------------------------------------------- I liked reading "Odysi 0" and found it offered a sensible, realistic, practical and sustainable approach to losing weight, keeping it off and maintaining a healthy lifestyle over the course of a lifetime. It doesn't promote fads or gimmicks and doesn't offer a "magic bullet" to short-term weight loss. The "Odysi 0" approach recognizes that it takes time and unhealthy habits to gain weight and that the only way to meaningfully reverse that trend is to adopt healthy habits over time and to maintain them for the rest of your life. Consequently, those "healthy habits" need to be sustainable and the only way to achieve that is to incorporate them into your day-to-day life so they become an unconscious and positive part of your daily routine. Personally, I resisted the urge to skip to the back of the book and worked my way through it sequentially. Odysi 0 provided a workmanlike approach, building a sound foundation and then building upon that to lead the reader inexorably to a series of logical and inevitable conclusions. I liked the approach. It was no-nonsense, practical and offered realistic objectives that most people could reasonable achieve and sustain over time. It came across as being a little bit "preachy" at times, without becoming Messianic but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It never hurts to shake the reader up a bit and get them to confront behaviors that they have grown to take for granted. The idea of "The Odysi Food Circle" on page 59 provided some timely "substance" that encouraged the reader to continue reading on. When it did finally get to the core of the Odysi 0 approach on page 81, the reader was given practical, achievable and reasonable step-by-step goals that could realistically be incorporated into the day-to-day routines of modern life. I have no doubt that most people would achieve gradual and sustainable weight loss over time if they followed the Lifestyle Changes outlines in Step 3 and adopted the principles of the Odysi Food Circle. I also fully accept and expect that a person would enjoy a healthier and more rewarding, enjoyable life if they followed the advice given in Step 3, even if they only do so in general terms. Personally, I'm a fan of the idea that choices (even unconscious choices) have consequences and that each of us are the main change agents for our own lives. Consequently, "Odysi 0" struck a responsive chord within me and I believe someone could do a lot worse than to read this book and adopt the principles and practices it advocates. The only thing you have to lose is your excess weight and you might just gain a healthier and happier you. Tanya J. and Shane S. ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi Azarel, I have just finished reading your book. I was going to write a long and meandering email to you with my life story, but in the end it all boiled down to two words: THANK YOU. And in regards to all your critics: I believe that if you can look within to your heart, you will know if you have done wrong or right. Its never been easy to do the right thing - if it was, everyone would do it! Don't give in to the critics and keep going on the road you are traveling. Kindest regards Emma H. ---------------------------------------------------------- I want to sincerely thank you for writing the book and allowing me to try what I believe is a very achievable means of permanent weight loss. Kris G. ---------------------------------------------------------- Hi Azrael, I have read the book and in fact finished it a week ago. The additional delay allowed me to digest the book and the core messages in it for me. The greatest message was a reinforcement of what a conditioning coach said to a rugby club I played for many years ago; when asked about diet he replied "Don't get worked up about your diet, go easy on the drink and don't eat anything your Grandmother wouldn't recognize". Your book strengthened that message for me in one of those moments when you think that advice is good advice and I should act on it. Another message is broader than diet and goes to a world that has drifted a long way from first principles. The relentless bombardment from advertising is inescapable and promotes dissatisfaction with everything in life. How else do they get you to part with your money to buy something you don't need? I think advertising causes a lot of ill-content in society and directly contributes to people's underlying issues causing their obesity. John L. ---------------------------------------------------------- "I've bought your book. Not because I feel I need to lose weight but because the the title intrigued me! I thought it was great. No nonsense. No gimmick and actually common sense. I think you've said what people really don't want to hear (ignoring reality) in a great way and really get the reader to consider how they want to spend their life rather than putting the emphasis solely on weight and food. I've even quoted one or two lines to the kids at meal times and have recommended it to others. Tas M. ---------------------------------------------------------- Just read through the e-book for the first time and I thought it was a great read. There were a bunch of things that I learnt, but mostly it was re-confirming the basics which everyone generally knows. Which is exactly what I need. To be honest, I'm not very fat (just lazy) and I'm just after overall improvement in health (in particular more energy) and I'm sure your methods will help me do that. Things I really liked about the book Dispelling myths and "trendy" information out there in society. I like that you keep reminding people to do their own research to form their own opinion which is important. The stories and analogies. I like the comical value in most of them, but the guy hurting his hands for example was a good way for people to relate. The length. Not too long which is the key. I guess you're pointing people in the right direction and letting them research into areas which they are interested in. Focusing on the importance of PERMANENT weight loss. While others may do this also, I think the way you explain the possible negative outcomes (through examples), highlight the costs involved, and the mentality needed etc are what other books generally lack. You raised points which others are afraid to and deliberately turn a blind eye to. I couldn't really think of many negatives, but someone like my wife for example (who loves scientific studies) may take offense and get angry rather than taking things on board. Actually the first thing she asked me when I was telling her about the book was "so does this guy do his own studies and is it scientifically proven". haha I had a bit of a laugh. Anyway congrats on your book. I really enjoyed it and will sit through and put pen to paper when I'm ready to commit. Already I'm finding myself trying to eat more "whole foods" and am steering away from regular junk (only as a treat now). Ken H. ---------------------------------------------------------- "Odysi Zero works from day 1! Thank you so much." Stasi P. ---------------------------------------------------------- Hello Azrael, I competed in a BJJ competition on the weekend and came second in my division. Things went well - weight was okay, cardio and strength was good. After getting a silver medal I dont expect to be nervous at the next comp. Cant wait to compete again! Thanks for the advice buddy. Michael S. ---------------------------------------------------------- "I actually lost too much weight. Odysi Zero works." Marcelle N. ---------------------------------------------------------- I have read your book, finally finished it late last week. It was amazing and I think you are spot on. Weight loss is one of those things we all want to happen over night but you are right...we don't put the weight on overnight. I have begun drinking alot more cold water (although the cold water first thing in the morning on these cold mornings is tough) and being more aware of what I am consuming and my activity. I seem to do really well while at work, that routine is mastered but at times it all goes out the window at home or weekends. Weekends the hardest with kids sport, sleep ins, nights out etc. Thank you so much for starting me on this journey and for checking in with me, it really means alot :) I don't know that my wedding dress will be the size I was hoping for but I do know that I am going to be more healthy and active and achieve a better lifestyle and weight loss through minimal conscious effort (well that's the plan). Tammi B. ---------------------------------------------------------- "I learned everything I ever need to know, quickly and easily." George P. ---------------------------------------------------------- "In Odysi Zero, Azrael presents a no nonsense approach to weight loss and Matt G. ----------------------------------------------------------
Media Releases http://www.prweb.com/releases/2012/2/prweb9188992.htm For Immediate Release Contact: Everwood Pty Ltd PO Box 1236, Woden, ACT 2606 AUSTRALIA This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it www.OdysiZero.com LOSING WEIGHT BY SAYING NO TO DIETING AND EXERCISE A new method set to change how we think about weight loss Australia remains heralded as one of the most overweight countries in the world and despite our growing awareness and best intentions, it seems losing weight remains for many people as confusing and as elusive as ever. Society is bombarded constantly by a marketing onslaught of diets, fads, exercise machines, home delivered meals, supplements, pills, and other weight loss schemes and services. Unfortunately, the industry is infamous for its often suspicious and questionable methods, all promising quick and easy solutions to an already despairing population. To add to the confusion, we live in an era where information surrounding nutrition and exercise is exhaustive and often at times contradictory, so it's no wonder that people looking to lose weight can often feel sceptical, overwhelmed and discouraged. While health and fitness professionals will generally agree that losing weight is best achieved through dieting and exercise, an innovative new method designed in Australia, is well on its way to revolutionize this perception. According to Canberra born and bred weight loss specialist, Azrael, mainstream advice surrounding weight loss is frequently impractical, incorrect or short-sighted. "While I believe the majority of health and fitness professionals across the world do have the best of intentions, many are unfortunately providing the public and their governments with misleading or wrong information." Azrael continues by stating that popular industry maxims such as 'weight loss is all about calories in versus calories out', 'dieting and exercise', 'write a weight loss goal', 'eat a balanced diet', and 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day', are all examples of what he calls junk information. Azrael has personally battled against obesity twice in his life. "When I first lost weight, I succeeded by following the advice of experts at the time. I was eating a very low-fat diet in combination with plenty of exercise. But years later, my priorities in life changed and before I knew it, I was more overweight than ever." Realising that the initial advice he had followed was ultimately unhealthy and unrealistic for the long term, Azrael lost trust with the experts and was in turn inspired to find his own solution. Azrael succeeded and developed a weight loss method without dieting or exercise, without using willpower or supplements and without undergoing hypnotherapy or surgery and has effortlessly kept the weight off now for many years. He clearly articulates that there are no secrets to losing weight and that essentially, permanent weight loss is based on common sense and living a healthy lifestyle. The difficulty he claims is that common sense and healthy lifestyle are not terms agreed to universally. "Leading a healthy lifestyle is not a new idea, however people may be surprised and shocked to learn of what actually constitutes a healthy lifestyle. Eating five to eight small meals a day for example, is not healthy living in my opinion, yet this directly opposes mainstream health and fitness advice. The public needs to remember that 'what works' and 'what is healthy' are not always the same." After first helping friends and family to lose weight, Azrael has gone on to assist countless others with his new book: Odysi Zero | Lose Weight: Say No to Dieting and Exercise. He actively warns that some people make take offence from the book's content, yet he expresses his opinions without apology. Azrael and his supporters remain steadfast and resolute in spreading his message. "I strongly feel some things must be said and so I have said them." Odysi Zero | Lose Weight: Say No to Dieting and Exercise is available from $15.00 online at www.OdysiZero.com. ###
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